
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So much little to talk about...

Well, much has happened since new years, but not much to speak of. I have my old job back PT...temporarily. I have applied to become a Care Provider with DHS and have and Orientation tomorrow morning. So basically I'm employeed. God has been so wonderful in supplying my needs in providing little jobs like babysitting and stuff. I'm really excited about the new job with DHS and being able to care for the elderly and be an encouragement to them. I went to my best friends house yesterday and got back this afternoon. We had a lovely talk and time together. I was so happy to have been able to spend so much time with her :D Her sisters are like sisters to me and we have so much fun together! We are so very close and are always there for eachother...something that is very dear to me. I went shooting guns with a friend of mine and had tons of fun. I went on a 10 mile walk on the beach with some other friends and was very sore. And have been on the net alot keeping up with OH!! and I got a cell phone of my own...with unlimited texting!!! so very exciting....i love it :D Until next time! Katydid

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! This new years was no different than any other this year aside from receiving a lovely little text from a dear friend. This year, as always, I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning...we've done this as long as i can remember...staying up as long as possible and then sleeping in the next day. This year my parents stayed up with us playing games until about 12:30 and then they went off to I've made no New Year Resolution except to get a job as soon as I can. I am thoroughly excited though because my sister and I have made plans to go and see our best friends and their significant I am so happy because my best friend's fiance i have not yet met, but have talked to. I am excited to see what God has planned for this coming year. My dear sister got her license yesterday and has been having fun driving me around :) I will write again soon...when I have something to write :) Kittydid