
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Snow, Snow, Snow!


  Much has happened since the end of December so I guess I'll just do my best to fill in where I left off :-)  January 8th my sister's best friend got married and I was unemployed. The lady I'd been taking care of was moved to a foster home in Oregon and I started my search for a job the following week. With the little experience I do have and just a high school diploma, I didn't have much to recommend myself in the field I've felt called to serve in. My parents came up and visited me for a few days and while they were here and I was browsing the local newspaper, I was reminded of a Certified Nursing Assistant training school in Vancouver.
  I had been planning on taking the CNA course throught the local community college, but would have had to wait until April to sign up for the class. I called the school on Friday and found out that they had a class starting the following Monday that still had room in it! I was so excited to hear such news that immediately got in my car and drove over to the school to sign up and complete the paperwork. Over the next 3 weeks my schedule consisted primarily of classes and studying. Classes finished and then we had 2 weeks until the exam date. I did alot of relaxing and just enjoying my free time at that point and did some review and practice for the exam the week of the exam.

  The day of the exam I got up early and was headed out the door when I saw my neighbor/landlord headed across the yard with a yellow primrose and a "you'll do great" card for me. :-) It was such a wonderful start to what I knew would be a fairly long and nerve wracking day. I got to the school early and sat in the parking lot while I prayed and read my Bible in preparation for what was bound to happen that day. We all went inside and talked alot about the weather and what we'd been up to the last couple weeks, while we waited for the last few stragglers to arrive for the test. We began the written exam promptly at 8am and were all relieved to finish early and quickly learn that the entire group had passed the written portion! I said my "Praise the Lord" and texted the few people that knew I was taking the exam that morning, and then went off to breakfast with a couple of the girls from the group while we waited for our Practical Examination time slot to arrive. Although the meal helped to distract us for a while we were back at the school an hour and a half before our scheduled time and sat there talking about what to expect and reviewing the things we weren't as confident on. When the partner I'd practiced with during the three weeks of classes came out and learned she'd failed for one misstep that she'd never missed during practice before, we all started reviewing and cramming again. Another 45 minutes later, my exam partner and I were called in for our examination. I was to be tested second, so I hopped into the bed to act as patient and began praying for my partner as she did each skill, knowing that she suffered from test anxiety. When her turn was through I got all ready and said a quick prayer thanking the Lord I was given 5 simple skills that I'd not had any problem with before! I went through my skills doing extra things here and there just to make sure that I didn't miss anything and came out of the room still nervous about my results, but knowing that I'd done my best and left the rest up to God. When the evaluater came out of the room with our results we both started praising the Lord and breathed a sigh of relief. We'd passed and now we just had to go out and find a job.
  That night my Dad and Sister arrived in BG to spend the weekend with me for my birthday! My mom was already here because she'd moved up with me the last week of my classes because she started taking the next group's CNA class. Her test is next week, but I think she will do just fine. :-D So Dad and Hannah came up for three days to celebrate my 21st birthday with my mother and I. We had such a great time just being together and enjoying good conversation. The went back to Tilly on Sunday afternoon and then the following week I applied at a couple places. On Thursday a place I'd sent my resume to, after I first became unemployed, called me and after asking a few questions to bring the resume up to date set up a date and time for an interview! I'm so excited and yet a little nervous as this will be my first ever interview! But I'm leaving it in God's hands, if it's His will for me to get the job, then I'll get it...and regardless of whether or not I get the job I know He will provide something :-D
  It has been great having my Mom living here with me and I'm pretty sure it will get kinda lonely around here again when she leaves. It has been nice to have someone around the house to talk to and just be there.
  I guess that just about brings my life happenings up to date for now :-) Sorry to anyone that actually reads this, for taking so long on updating ya'll :-D