
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

and so life continues...

  Well, life has continued on unabated. My life has been rather hectic and chaotic. I'm still working fulltime as a secretary, I now have three clients in Home Care and am in the process of filling out the paperwork to be a sub for a third client. I'm really excited to have the blessing of such a wonderful ministry. My only clients at this point are Christians, but I am grateful for that because I feel like part of my ministry is being able to bring comfort to the saints. The worked so tirelessly for God for so many years and now it is someone elses turn to minister to them :-)
  Thanksgiving is tomorrow. My brother was home from Iraq for two weeks last month and my sister came down from WA so that we could have an early Thanksgiving with the majority of the family. We went to dinner with my Grandma S last weekend and we'll take my Grandma D out tomorrow and then have pie and games at our house that evening for any of the family that wants to hang out. Christmas is also going to be pretty simple. We will have dinner and games and some presents for the grandkids. I'll be most happy when my wonderful sister gets home though. I never realized how much I'd miss her being gone for four months. At first it wasn't so bad because I got to see her once a month for the first three months, but now it has been about three weeks since I saw her last and there are another four weeks left for her and she is in Mexico now so I can't just drive 5 hours to see her or call her on the phone. She does text me for about 5 minutes each week...and let me tell you, it is definitely a highlight for my week! I always wish it could be longer, but I'm just glad to get to chat for a little bit. :-D
  Christmas music has been playing in my car speakers for about a week now and today I decorated my office with Christmas decorations so that it will be all festive when we arrive back to work after Thanksgiving.  I have no idea why I'm in such a festive mood so early in the season, but I'm enjoying it :-P
  Happy Holidays all!!!!

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