Okay, so alot has been happening in the last month. I have moved and pretty well settled here in Battle Ground, WA. I started renting a storage unit here to store any of my "excess" stuff. I bought my first car...doesn't seem much different though because it is the same car I've been driving for over two years now. Yesterday I went and purchased auto insurance for the car and am rather pleased with what I got! :-) I've gotten to know my Aunt and Uncle living in Vancouver better. (alot of fun knowing them more). I had the worst Crohns "flare-up" I've ever had in the 2-3 years I've been diagnosed. It lasted a total of 7 days. Not at all fun and, God willing, I will be able to avoid such an attack in the future. I was given my first fishing rod and hope to go fishing in the near future, but have yet experience the pleasure with my own pole :-D I got to visit my best friend in Salem on my way back to BG on Wednesday. We got talking and before I knew it I was 30+mins overdue to head up to BG. We went out to the car and were saying our good-byes when her husband pulled in from being at work and so I got to say good-bye to him too and then vamoosed :-P I was so glad to see and spend time with them though! What a blessing it was to see their wonderfully happy faces! God has blessed me so much with my wonderful friends and family. How thankful I am for them all!!!
I enjoyed looking over your blog. I found your profile on another blog I follow and I added myself to follow you. You are more than welcome to visit my blog and become a follower if you want to.
God Bless You, Ron
I enjoyed visiting with you as well my dear friend!! :-) Glad you could make it my way! Can't wait for you to make it my way again! ;-) Love you!
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