
Monday, June 21, 2010

How Time Flies...

  Well, last weekend was Father's day. I drove to my parents Friday night and had some really good time with them. The next morning we chatted some more and my dad showed me the coffee machine my mom got him for Father's Day...such a cool little thing! Then my sister and I went roller blading for a little while...until I was tired, which didn't take long :P Next we played a little baseball in the field across from our mom pitched while my sister and I took turns batting and fetching the ball. After that we did your facebooking :P then we headed for the Y to help supervise my nephews pool party. We had  lots of fun. It is amazing how fast kids grow up! I remember when my nephew was just a little toddling around...and now he is 8 years old!!! How time flies! 
  After swimming my sister and I rushed back to my parents home where I got dressed and then she did my hair up in a rolled fashion, fairly common in the World War II era.  After getting a few pointers on Era appropriate make-up my sister snapped a few pictures and I was off to McMinnville for the ECD World War II Ball. I met my friend there and we had a lovely evening of talking and dancing.  Since moving to Washington I haven't been able to attend any of the dances due to my schedule with my new job, but thankfully I was able to arrange to attend this one! After the clock struck midnight(well, acutally only 9:30) and the last dance was over, I hopped in my carriage and was off again, back to my parents house and present day america :P
  It is amazing what happens in a day! On Father's day we went to church and my youngest brother and the family he lives with showed up too! After church we went to lunch and then hung out for a little while. I got to stay at my parents until the were getting ready to leave for evening church and then I headed back to Portland to do some shopping before I went back to work :) I am very much still enjoying my job, but it seems that the highlights to life anymore are the days I have off to spend with my friends and family. 
  I'm sort of excited for Independence Day as I will have the 4th and 5th off and possibly the 3rd as well....but the sad part is I don't have any plans to go anywhere yet...But I'm sure something will come up :D So many exciting things to look forward to.
  Recently I read a book called "Before You Meet Prince Charming" and was very encouraged and challenged with what I read.  It was just what I was needing to hear at that time and was glad to have gotten the recommendation to read it!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lord Willing...

  This past weekend I spent at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Vancouver. It has been so very nice to get to know them better now that I am older. I don't remember much of them when I was younger...not really sure why...I guess they were just busy people, and we didn't really go visiting relatives.  Anyhow, it has been fun to hang out with them and learn family history and hear their stories. Saturday night we went to their neighbors to sit around a fire and talk. It was fun...very smoky, but fun. We finally got out of there and returned to their house to go to bed. I didn't sleep terribly well as I had alot on my mind with several different things that have been happening, and not happening, in my life. The next morning we got up bright and early for church and were joined by an old friend of theirs that I'd met once before.
  The service was wonderful and really hit home for me. It wasn't so much a new concept for me either, but a timely reminder. As soon as the pastor announced the passage he would be preaching from I found the place in my bible and realized that the first part of the passage was underlined...which means I either memorized it at one time or it held great importance to me...this didn't seem very strange since one of my favorite books is James...but after starting to read the passage I realized that the napkin in the back of the bible held the same passage along with a treasured note from a very dear friend of mine that had felt led to give me such cherished guidance over a year and a half ago while we were in San Miguel, Mexico. And once again these were the words I once again needed to hear. Who am I to make plans for myself without seeking God's guidance!? God will bring the right thing at the right time and I just have to trust Him and follow Him.
  I sometimes wonder why God has put me where I am. Everything has turned out so differently then I had originally imagined and nothing seems to happen or go the way I think it should. But the continual comfort to me is that He knows what He is doing and He has a plan for me that is far better than anything I could ever imagine! I only pray my step does not falter, but that I will carry on and seek Him in all things.

James 4:13-17
"Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” But now you boast in your arrogance. All such boasting is evil. Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin."